How to get Flawless, Glass-Like Skin

Filters, photo editing apps, special foundations and airbrushing… it’s a phenomenon that wasn’t around ten years ago (did we just age ourselves?) but is now part and parcel of our day to day in ensuring our skin looks immaculate whether we are critiquing in the bathroom mirror or before hitting post with those social media selfies. 

Even though we all know social media is to be taken with a grain of salt, is it really that tough to get the best skin we possibly can in real life? With our expertise and knowledge.. It’s not as unattainable as you would think.

What is Flawless, Glass-like Skin?

It’s essentially the idea that your skin looks flawless, and like “glass”. No.. it doesn’t mean fragile. It means healthy. It means hydrated. It means youthful. It means smooth.. it’s the skin we strive for. Glass skin is achieved with some in-clinic treatments, but don’t think the results rely on just us nurses! You’ll have to follow some simple steps at home to really get true perfect skin - or the “glassy” look. 

What Do I Need To Do? 

Botox and filler help and a little laser here and there will also assist. But it really all comes down to the skincare routine you do daily - both morning and night - that will get your skin perfect. 

What’s The Routine? 

First… you will come into the clinic for our Hydrating Rejuvenating & Restorative Facial. This will hydrate and overhaul your skin a little. 

At home you will cleanse, tone and exfoliate. The classic 3 step process that gets your skin in tip top shape for all your products to do their thing. Specialized Daily moisturizer is suggested for the a.m with sunscreen and then…. the superstar of the whole routine? RETINOL! 

Now before you run away, hear us out. Retinol conjures up flaking, pink and peeling faces… a “reaction”. Many patient’s report that they cannot use retinol due to a previous experience with the above-mentioned side effects, but it’s actually these “side effects” that we WANT to see. We call these “anticipated reactions”. If you’re not peeling or flaking? That retinol is not doing much and you are sure to see no change in your skin.

Are you excited to add in the retinol and kickstart some incredible results?

Now it is time to book a complimentary skin consultation with our team experts. Let us sit down with you and take the time to educate you on your new skin health regime. You will start with multiple pumps of retinol which will yield a purge of dead damaged skin. After a couple days of exfoliation and hydration you will start to see some results. Then you repeat the routine the following week. Our mission is to partner with you on your aesthetic journey and be apart of your beauty transformation. Let us help you achieve truly healthy skin.

Come in and get your skin looking flawless, fresh and glassy. Call the clinic at 905- 631 -6288 for more information and to get booked in for your skin health consultation.

Book Yourself In Today!


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