Could Your Phone Be Causing You To Age And Get Pigmentation?

Most people feel lost if they forget their phones at home. It feels weird. What if we need to be contacted? What if there is an emergency? The list goes on. 

Everyone is connected these days and with the recent COVID-19 pandemic causing a  pivotal shift in society with an increase in zoom calls, facetimes and screen use, we are thrown ever more to the mercy of our electronic devices and the blue light they emit. 

But is it this harmless device that we rely so heavily on that is becoming the reason why many of us complain of dull, lacklustre skin, pigmentation, wrinkles and more? And if so, what can we do in a world that so heavily relies on online working, cell phones, laptops and tablets to protect ourselves from aging prematurely? 

What is Blue Light ? 

Blue light is a part of the spectrum of visible light and is classified as a short wave-length. It’s what becomes emitted from our technological devices anytime we are on them looking at the screen. It’s been known that this wavelength causes eye strain and can contribute towards glaucoma, cataracts and other various eye diseases, however, research recently has shown that this wavelength of light could be contributing to the pigmentation  – such as brown spots and Melasma – and the possible reduction of collagen, thus in turn resulting in wrinkles and lax skin much earlier than planned. 

What Can I Do? 

Many of us are aware of the issues it poses to vision and even our sleeping habits and patterns. Many of us combat this by wearing blue light glasses, taking breaks from long exposure to screens, or turning our phone screens to sleep mode during our evening routines before bed. In clinic procedures such as Botox, Intense Pulse Light (IPL) and Ulthera; while beneficial at eliminating the wrinkles, increasing collagen and minimizing pigmentation, they aren’t able to protect us from the blue light on a more consistent basis. Are we therefore fighting an uphill battle? 

We don’t believe so. While these procedures still are a requirement, some diligent out home daily routines could be all it takes to ensure we are fully protected and able to combat the daily routine of blue light emittance from screen time. At home dedication with your skincare routine will aid to reverse the blue light damage and protect our skin as much as possible in both a simple and effective way. 

Beautiful sunscreen collection we offer to correct against blue light.

What Product Protects from Blue Light? 

Our sunscreens ! At Cosmedica, we have a beautiful suite of sunscreens. Two of our favourites are Colorscience Sunforgettable Glow or the Colorscience Sunforgettable Flex. These two products are one of the top requested options from patients because of their unique and exclusive Enviroscreen technology that not only protects from UVA/UVB damage but also from blue light, infrared and various other pollutants. A product that really does protect us from it all. But it’s a sunscreen I hear you say? Don’t worry, it’s not one that will leave you ghostly white. Due to the mineral based formulation of the product, your skin will be nourished and hydrated with a light tinted coverage and will ensure your skin has that all important glow we all strive for while protecting you from the day to day environmental aging culprits. And also available in a variety of shades and colours (shown below).

Applying this daily as a part of your established skincare routine will help to prevent damage whether you plan to be outside with family during these warmer days or remain ever glued to the screen of your electronic device keeping in touch with loved ones and friends or working from home.

Ready to Pick up Your Sunscreen ?

Feel free to give us a call to arrange a delivery at 905-631-6288 or come into our clinic and visit us at 520 Locust Street in Burlington. For more information on our services visit our website .


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